Brain Injury Research & Presentations
Through our brain injury research, we contribute to the body of knowledge surrounding brain injury rehabilitation. Pate professionals collaborate in research projects with nationally recognized institutions, contribute to top tier research publications and present their findings at national conferences.
Presentations and Publications
An abbreviated list of recent research and presentations is listed below. Local and region presentations are not listed but Pate clinicians are available for speaking engagements including continuing education and learning seminars.
Manuscripts Published 2022
Burns, S. P., Fleming, T., Webb, S., Kam, A., Fielder, J. P., Kim, G., Hu, X., Thelander, M., & Kringle, E. (2022). Stroke Recovery during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Position Paper on Recommendations for Rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 103(9), 1974-1882.
Burns, S. P., Terblanche, M., MacKinen, A., DeLaPena, C., & Fielder, J. P. (2022). Smartphone and mHealth Use after Stroke: Results from a Pilot Survey. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 42(2), 127-136.
National Presentations 2022
Kam, A., Burns, S. P., Fleming, T., Fielder, J. P., Kim, G. J., & Hu, X. (2022). Stroke recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2022 ACRM Annual Conference: Chicago, Il.
Martin, C., Burton, N., Howard, A., & Fielder, J. P. (2022). Visual perception & driving after acquired brain injury. AOTA Inspire 2022: San Antonio, TX.
Shelton, J., Malec, J., Salisbury, D., & Murphy, T. (2022). Matching participants to programs: Participant characteristics and outcomes for Foundation to Advance Brain Rehabilitation programs. 2022 ACRM Annual Conference: Chicago, Il.
Tucker, J (2022). Empowering and Increasing Independence through Assistive Technology. AAPLCP 6th Annual Assembly, Virtual.
Wertheimer, J., Roberts, P., Oulette, D., Hreha, K., Fielder, J. P., Graf, M. J. P., Watters, K., Stants, H., & Rizzo, J. R. (2022). A multi-site feasibility and validity study of Visual Signs and Symptoms Screen (V-SASS). 2022 ACRM Annual Conference: Chicago, Il.
Manuscripts Published 2021
Braunling-McMorrow D, Malec J.F., Groff A.T., & Salisbury D.B. (2021). Posthospital Rehabilitation. In Zasler ND, Katz DI, Zafonte RD. (Eds.) Brain Injury Medicine (pp 1208-1222). New York: Demos Medical.
Burns, S. P., Terblanche, M., Perea, J., Lillard, H., DeLaPena, C., Grinage, N., MacKinen, A., & Cox, E. E. (2020). mHealth Intervention Applications for Adults Living With the Effects of Stroke: A Scoping Review. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation, 3(1), 100095.
Malec, J.M., Salisbury, D.B., Anders, D., Dennis, L., Groff, A., Johnson, M., Murphy, M., & Smith, G. (2021). Response to the COVID-19 pandemic among posthospital brain injury rehabilitation providers. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 102(3), 549-555.
Perna R. (2021) Nonverbal Performance Validity Testing: Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM). In: Horton, Jr. A.M., Reynolds C.R. (eds) Detection of Malingering during Head Injury Litigation. Springer, Cham.
Perna, R., Pundlik, J., Arenivas, A., Klyce, D., Mills, A., & Dukarm, P. (2021). Return-to-driving following acquired brain injury: A neuropsychological perspective. NeuroRehabilitation, 49(2), 279–292.
National Presentations 2021
Groff, A.G., Salisbury, D.B., & Malec, J.F. (2021). Viewing Postacute Neurorehabilitation Through the Lens of a Pandemic: Experience and Outcomes of Foundation to Advance Brain Rehabilitation Organizations. 2021 ACRM National Conference, Virtual.
Hreha, K., Rizzo, J. R., Roberts, P., Wertheimer, J., Perea, J. D., Watters, K., Graf, M. J., Ouelette, D. S., Weden, K. M., & Grattan, E. (2021). Visual Symptom and Signs Screen: Results of a Multi-site Study. 2021 ACRM National Conference, Virtual.
Perea-Fielder, J. D., Graf, M. J., Rizzo, J. R. (2021). Visual dysfunction in survivors of COVID-19: Case series. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Virtual.
Manuscripts Published 2020
Dahdah, D., Bennett, M., Prajapati, P., Parsons, T., Sullivan E. Driver, S., & Salisbury, D. (2020). The impact of virtual reality on executive functioning training and the association with neurorehabilitation outcomes. International Journal of Rehabilitation, 7(3).
Hreha, K., Weden, K, Perea, J., Roberts, P, & Rizzo, J. R. (2020). A model for vision rehabilitation and the role of the physiatrist on the interdisciplinary team. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. doi:10.1097/PHM.0000000000001544.
Perna R, & Harik L. The role of rehabilitation psychology in stroke care described through case examples. NeuroRehabilitation. 2020;46(2):195‐204.
Perea, J., & Sit, W. (2020). Comparing learning platform impact on low vision education for occupational therapists. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 8(1), 1-10.
Pundlik J, Perna R, & Arenivas A. (2020). Mild TBI in interdisciplinary neurorehabilitation: Treatment challenges and insights. Neurorehabilitation, 227-241.
Perea, J., & Sit, W. (2020). Comparing Learning Platform Impact on Low Vision Education for Occupational Therapists. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, (in press).
National Presentations 2020
Burns, S, Perea, J. D., Terblanche, M., Lillard, H. M., De La Pena, C., & Grinage, N. (2020). mHealth Apps: Examining the Difference between Availability and the Evidence. Presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Virtual, Oct. 19-24
Carolyn Cassill, C. Marquez de la Plata, C., & Anise, M (2020). Balancing Patient Autonomy and Medical Paternalism in Rehabilitation Treatment Planning. Presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Virtual, Oct. 19-24
Hreha, K., Rizzo, J.R., Roberts, P., Wertheimer, J, Perea, J., Weden, K., Watters, K., & Llanos, I. (2020). Feasibility and Validity of a Vision Screening Tool: A Multi-Site Study. Presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Virtual, Oct. 19-24
Kringle, E., Illva, H., Hay, C., Perea, J., Baratta, J., & Frias, A. (2020). From Disability to Productivity: Transitioning to Employment, Volunteerism, and Caregiving following Stroke. Presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Virtual, Oct. 19-24
Meredith, K. & Perna, R. (2020). Dignity of risk following brain injury. Brain Injury Association of America, Live Webinar 9/24/2020
Perea, J. D., & Salisbury, D. (2020). Seamless integration of client-centered technology into the neuro-rehabilitation setting. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Virtual Poster Presentation Oct. 19-24.
Salinas, P, Goff, A., and Featherston, J. (2020). Interdisciplinary Rehab: An Approach to Return to Work. Presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Virtual, Oct. 19-24.
Tucker, J,. S., & Salisbury, D.B. (2020). From rehabilitation laboratory to real world independence. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Virtual Poster Presentation Oct. 19-24.
Manuscripts Published 2019
Burns, S. P., Dawson, D. R., Perea, J. D., Vas, A., & Pickens, N.D., Neville, M. (2019). Development, Reliability, and Validity of the Multiple Errands Test Home Version (MET-Home) in Adults with Stroke. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(3).
Burns, S. P., Dawson, D. R., Perea, J. D., Vas, A., Pickens, N., Marquez de la Plata, C., & Neville, M. (2019). Associations between self-generated strategy use and MET-Home performance in adults with stroke. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. doi 10.1080/09602011.2019.1601112
Perea, J., & Anise, M. (2019). Beyond cueing to the left and a red line: Treatment methods for homonymous hemianopia. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 4(2), 28-30.
National Presentations 2019
Featherston, J. (2019). Vocational Rehabilitation for Acquired Brain Injuries. Presented at Brain Injury Association of Louisiana Conference. New Orleans, LA, Mar. 29-30.
Featherston, J. (2019). Navigating the RTW process for clients with ABI. Presented at the Case Management Society of America National Conference. Las Vegas, NV, June 10-14.
Perea, J. & Anise, M. (2019). Comparing the Impact of Learning Platform on Low Vision Continuing Education for Clinical Practitioners. Presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, Nov. 5-8.
Perea, J. & Anise, M. (2019). Evidence-Based Interventions for Homonymous Hemianopia (HH): A Clinical Case Example. Presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, Nov. 5-8.